Saturday, 1 March 2025

The Deal

Daisy badly wanted the cash.

The reward was high.

But, she didn't know what she was signing up for.

Photo Prompt- Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

All she had to do was take the stranger's place in the carpool by wearing the latter's expensive dress and carrying her leather bag.

Seemed simple.

Cash was instantly credited to her mother's bank account.

She had no clue what was in the bag or in that dress's pocket.


The mobile phone rang.

That stranger had forgotten her phone!

Daisy answered it.

“Lisa, we saw you have made your lookalike enter the car. You cannot fool us! We're outside your home.

Photo Prompt- Ayr/Gray

What do you think happens next?

100 Words story

Linking with Friday Fictioneers & the Unicorn Challenge


  1. Hi Anita, and welcome to the Unicorn Challenge. Intriguing start to your story. Why don't you use the additional 150 words to tell us what you think happened next!

  2. Sounds like she is safe and gets to keep the cash! Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

  3. I don't really know enough about her to make a guess

  4. Dear Anita,
    It sounds like there's trouble afoot. Well done.

  5. Prisons are full of people who were sure they wouldn't get caught. You do the crime, you do the time (unless you're rich, of course.)

  6. Well, the person is "busted" for trying to use a double to manipulate the situation. I think Lisa opens the door and comes clean. She agrees to do one more drug delivery and then says she does not want to end up on "locked Up Abroad" - and she calls the double int he car and tells her to empty her pockets into the trash heap in the center console and to get out at the next red light....

  7. Oh, great suspense! Daisy is in a really difficult situation now. I hope she helps the woman.

  8. This is granonine. I have no ideas about what may happen next. Why don't you enlighten us next week :)


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