Friday, 28 February 2025

O! Keep Calm

O! Easy to shout when one is under stress & duress.

Buddha preached- "Conquer anger with calmness."

O! Is there such a need to raise your voice?

To be calm can be your conscious choice.

Source: eBay

Why raise your eyebrows & scream & shout?

O! Why choose to take the easy way out?

Explaining calmly won't make the impact lesser.

O! Why allow increase in your blood-pressure?

O! The aim of words is to communicate & share.

Why not use letters & sounds with care & to inspire?

O! Why cause hurt & grief by your rudeness & rashness?

Great are those who 24X7 adopt empathy & calmness.

Linking with- Friday Writings#166- Letters & Sounds 

What do you feel? What do you say?

How often do you raise your voice each day?

Please share in the comments below.


  1. What a delightful response to the prompt! A serious message with a fun delivery.

  2. You expressed it well ... calmness in stress is far more useful than frustrated shouting.

  3. Instead of telling others how to feel, why not work on becoming less afraid of the way they feel?

    Pris cilla King


Your words mean a lot to me.

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