Friday, 28 February 2025

O! Keep Calm

O! Easy to shout when one is under stress & duress.

Buddha preached- "Conquer anger with calmness."

O! Is there such a need to raise your voice?

To be calm can be your conscious choice.

Source: eBay

Why raise your eyebrows & scream & shout?

O! Why choose to take the easy way out?

Explaining calmly won't make the impact lesser.

O! Why allow increase in your blood-pressure?

O! The aim of words is to communicate & share.

Why not use letters & sounds with care & to inspire?

O! Why cause hurt & grief by your rudeness & rashness?

Great are those who 24X7 adopt empathy & calmness.

Linking with- Friday Writings#166- Letters & Sounds 

What do you feel? What do you say?

How often do you raise your voice each day?

Please share in the comments below.


  1. What a delightful response to the prompt! A serious message with a fun delivery.

  2. You expressed it well ... calmness in stress is far more useful than frustrated shouting.


Your words mean a lot to me.

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