
Thursday, 20 February 2025

Content Creators Beware

They thought they were the darlings of the crowd.

They felt they could express their minds out aloud.

They thought all the votes & likes would gather!

They thought they were cool & smart in all weather!

Source: iStock

They let their tongues loose on the show.

It was irresponsible of them; they didn't know.

They were in the flow and drowned in greed,

They never thought of the abyss it would lead.

The content became viral & earned eyeballs.

These were not exactly their expected calls...

No more fan-mail or followers' comments in store;

Unsubscription & police and court's summons & more.

Doing everything gathering followers over the years,

Does have some duties & responsibilities & fears.

Wrong words & statements are certainly NO-NO.

All must know that we'll have to reap what we sow.

Based on a recent incident involving some popular influencers. 

It doesn't take long for the best to be considered the worst.

This can happen anywhere in the world, in any city.

Remember- "With great power comes great responsibility."

What do you feel? Do content creators need to carefully use their freedom of speech and expression? Please share in the comments below.

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