Friday, 28 February 2025

The Blue Birds

She loved the wooden wall hanging in the knick-knacks shop.

She purchased it for her garden.

It was summer.

She thought of the two blue birds who often visited her garden.

They could make it their cozy home!

O! Keep Calm

O! Easy to shout when one is under stress & duress.

Buddha preached- "Conquer anger with calmness."

O! Is there such a need to raise your voice?

To be calm can be your conscious choice.

Source: eBay

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Mistaken Identity

I was speaking to a senior researcher some time ago, who discussed about a recent tragedy in our temple city.

The accused of the case is linked to the ruling party of another state as his father belongs to that party.

The researcher even named the persons- the son and the father.

I was not aware of the accused father's name or affiliation.

Hearing the name, I immediately searched on Google. I shared the information that I saw on screen- "MISIDENTIFIED."

The following are the first few results:

Monday, 24 February 2025

The Torch

"Which is better- the sun or the torch?"

Asked the little kid on that dark night.

"What do you feel? What do you say?"

I asked the kid to share what he felt right.

Source: Pexels

Friday, 21 February 2025

Young And Immature!

"You are young and immature!"

When I heard this, I wasn't very sure.

The words had been directed at me-

I was at the receiving end directly.

Should I accept the beliefs of that person?

They don't know; just have an impression!

Youth and immaturity go hand-in-hand?

Many feel this is the reality in our land!

Source: Pexels

Love Is Love

Love is love - just understand.

Love is love- always grand.

No need for roses or gifts,

Love is that which uplifts.


Thursday, 20 February 2025

Content Creators Beware

They thought they were the darlings of the crowd.

They felt they could express their minds out aloud.

They thought all the votes & likes would gather!

They thought they were cool & smart in all weather!

Source: iStock

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

The Treasure Hunt

Amy was happy to see what she finally had in her hands.

It was the map that would help to solve all her problems.

Photo Prompt- Kent Bonham

It was exactly what she had dreamt!

She had simply followed all the instructions.

Identity Theft

In this digital age, there is extensive usage of technology. It comes with its own advantages and challenges too.

Identity theft is one such issue.

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information without your permission to commit fraud.

Source: HDFC Bank mailer

People may misuse our name or other identification details and pretend to be us.

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