Sunday, 5 January 2025

The Final Sacrifice

Twenty years ago, a letter from a village in Himachal Pradesh arrived at the Ministry of Defence. The writer was a school teacher, and his request was as follows. 

He asked, "If possible, could my wife and I be granted permission to see the place where our only son died a heroic death in the Kargil war, on the day of his first death, his memorial day, on 07/07/2000? It's okay if you can't. If it is against national security, I will withdraw my application".

The Department Officer who read the letter, said, "It does not matter what the cost of their visit is, I will pay it from my salary, if the department is unwilling to and I will bring the teacher and his wife to the place where their only boy died" and he issued an order.

Friday, 3 January 2025

A Wonder Or An Omen?

It may be a wonder or an omen- 

Super-brilliant or fake or bloody or foul…

Figuring out such & often- life goes on

While we stand & stare & perhaps howl.

Source: Pexels- Erina Quirino

Thursday, 2 January 2025

Vocal For Local

It is said- "As in Rome, do as the Romans do." 

Anywhere in the world, can we speak the way we generally do?

We speak to be understood.

We speak to convey our feelings.

If we are in Rome, Tokyo, Lima, or Timbuktoo, we must speak the local language to be understood.

I came across this article in the Economic Times earlier-

"When In Venice, Do As The Bengalis Do"-

In this article, the writer mentions about Rabindra Sangeet too.

But, look at the spelling mentioned-


Sri Rabindra Nath Tagore composed and promoted Rabindra Sangeet.

However, the pronunciation and spelling used as as shared in the above news report.

A Brand New Year

There's something about a brand new year-

It kindles hope, sets goals & ushers cheer.

Like all things new, like a new dress or toy,

A new year's fragrance & idea, too, brings joy!

Source: QuoteFancy

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