
Sunday 15 September 2024

My Father's Tithi Birthday- Bamana Janma and Onam

Today is a very auspicious day- The Dwadasi of Bhadra i.e. "the 12th day of the bright fortnight of Bhādra" is celebrated as "Bamana Janma" & "Onam."

Today is the tithi birthday of my father, Shri A.K.Sabat Finance Guru - CA AK Sabat.
Papa was born on this day (& not date).
May Mahaprabhu bless him with great health and happiness and fulfill all his wishes🙏

Papa at the Shree Jagannatha Temple, Agara, Bengaluru

Today is also "Engineers Day" being the birthday of Bharat Ratna Engineer Sir M Vishvesvaraya.
He was born on 15-9-1861.

My father also says the same words/thoughts as in the given quote-
"Exploitation of human potentialities through Punctuality, Sincerity, and Honesty leads a man to Prosperity."
As a leading chartered accountant of our nation, an income tax expert, auditor, economist, advisor, guide, teacher, philanthropist, public speaker, and in myriad other roles, Papa has always advocated the adoption of honesty, integrity, hard work, discipline, punctuality, character & loyalty.
As per him, all these are the real wealth.
Like Sir M Visvesvaraya did, Papa also asks everyone to work for the nation.

Many of us celebrate our birthdays on the calendar date we were born.
My father's birth date was 3 days ago.🎊
Here's my sis Amrita Sabat's post about the celebration this year-

But, many of us are unaware of the tithi day when we were born.

It is very special indeed to share a tithi birthday with Bamana/Vamana, the fifth avatar (incarnation) of Shree Vishnu.

Bhagaban Bamana - 17th Century AD Shree Jagannatha Temple, Khallikote, Ganjam, Odisha.

Above image shared by Shri NK Mishra via Whatsapp

Bamana Avatar -
Above image shared by Shreemandira Sebayat Bata Babu via Whatsapp

As per the Purnachandra Odia Bhashakosha, the word "Bamana" means-
1। ଖର୍ବ; ଖର୍ବ୍ୱକାୟ; ଗେଡ଼ା; ହ୍ରସ୍ୱ—1. Dwarfish; stunted.
2। କ୍ଷୁଦ୍ର—2. Small.
3। ନୀଚ— 3. Low.

But do not be taken by the "dwarfish" form of the body.
"Never judge..."

Never be proud.
One does not know the might of "Bamana" avatar.

King Bali i.e. Mahabali earned his lesson the hard way.
He underestimated "Bamana."
Whenever there is unfairness, injustice, violence etc, then Mahaprabhu appears in the world.
As King Bali had become very proud and had usurped others' territory, rights, and property, the Bamana avatar arrived and showed the king his right place—banishing him to the nether world.

Bamana Avatar - Above image shared by Shreemandira Sebayat Bata Babu via Whatsapp.

This is a lesson for all those who are stealing others' works, area, property etc.And also for those who are proud and terrorizing everyone.
Remember that the eyes of God are watching everyone-
In Odia it is said- "Chaka Akhi Sabu Dekhuchi."
Sooner or later, all have to pay for their karma.

In Odia, there is a saying- "Garba kadile, Kharba haba"- If one shows pride, one will become small i.e. be ruined (Karba means Dwarfish/stunted as per the Odia dictionary as shared above).
The English meaning is akin to the saying- "Pride comes before a fall."

Papa always advises everyone to adhere to - "Satya, Nyaya & Dharma"- Truth, Justice & Righteousness.

When we follow all these, then God is with us.
We have nothing to fear when we are on the correct path.

Bamana Janma- i.e. the birth of the fifth avatar of Shree Vishnu is-
"The religious ceremony observed on the 12th day of the bright fortnight of Bhādra."

Today, the birth ceremony of Bamana was observed in the Shree Jagannatha Temple, Puri, along and many other temples-
Just like the birth ceremony of the other avatars of Shree Vishnu are observed viz-
Shree Ram Navami
Shree Krishna Janmashtami etc.

It is said that there is no rebirth for those who see Shree Jagannatha when He is on His Ratha (chariot)-
"Rathe tu Bamanam drushtwa punarjanma na bidyate."

May Mahaprabhu bless everyone.
Jaya Shree Jagannatha.

PC: Forwarded images wish messages received in different groups via WhatsApp

Subha Onam!
Trying to replace "Happy" with "Subha" in festive & wish messages.
#ReplaceHappyWithSubha #UseSubha

This is the first ever Bamana Janma and Tithi birthday post I am sharing about my father-

A few other posts about him are as follows-
1. FB Utkalamrita-

2. FB1-

3. FB2-

4. FB3-

5. FB4-

6. FB5-

Do you know your Tithi birthday? Please share in the comments below.

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