Jaya Shree Jagannatha
Jaya Shree Baladevjew
Ref: Misinformation and Misrepresentation in the Odisha GI Applications Supported by NABARD
Regarding: the incorrect details and wrong information provided in our Odisha Geographical Indication (GI) applications that have been filed with the support of NABARD recently.
It is a huge disappointment to find that many Odisha GI applications supported by NABARD have simply been filed hurriedly with wrong information and incorrect technical details and specifications.
- Our state name and GI product names are also not properly spelled in the applications.
- The number of producers/artisans are far higher/lower than what has been specified and filed.
- The real producer groups have not been represented as Applicants and "Registered Proprietors"; rather chosen Applicants are non-related people and organizations, who were/are not involved/working with the products.
How can the present applicants claim to even be bothered about “protecting” our producer groups and our community's and state’s rights, when they do not even think of taking extra care to share the correct information in the GI applications? They have not even given due respect to our state by even spelling "Odisha" correctly!
Shouldn’t a proper and inclusive study with visits to geographical areas and investigative research first be done before GI filing?