Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Wheel Of Time

Father and his six-year old daughter had gone for a walk when they spotted the Giant Wheel.

"Please take me for a ride on that!", she begged her father.
PHOTO PROMPT - Dale Rogerson
"That's costly. You need to work hard and earn a ride," he answered.

She took his words to heart...

Three decades later, the father-daughter duo stood in front of the newest amusement park in the country.

As the father was the chief-guest, he inaugurated the park.

With great pride, he blessed the owner of the park - his daughter!

"Please take me for a ride on the Ferris Wheel!" he told her.

Do you dream big? Do you accept challenges and set goals? 

100 Words story for Friday Fictioneers.
Also linking with #MidWeekFlashChallenge.


  1. What a lovely story. She made her dream come true :)

  2. I like the way you let us know what a good father he was by showing us that he remembered how her achievement started.

  3. Ah, loved how you told this story, Anita. Very sweet.

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  4. A small nudge onto a large path of very big dreams. Well done.

  5. Dear Anita,

    She did take it to heart, didn't she? Although I think the father could've taken his 6 year old on a ride without a life lesson. Nicely done.



  6. Love it, Anita!
    One gets one's motivation from all sorts of places!

  7. Her hard work and her father's advice paid off. A lovely story.

    My FriFic tale!

  8. Sweet father-daughter bonding

  9. Short and succinct, really well done. Thanks for including MidWeekFlash.

  10. A lovely story and she sure earned her ride.

  11. Why is it tagged as fiction? Is it a true story or just a work of imagination?

    1. It is a fictional story, a figment of this writer's imagination :)


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