wise- Never judge anyone based on their looks!
From covers,
one can't judge the contents of books!
It's like looking for something in front that's actually hidden in the
69% of men agree that their judgement of women is based on their looks.
are deceptive'- what appears isn't always true!
Yet people get
influenced by what they 'see' & haven't any clue!
There's more
beneath the surface than what can be seen.
Remember that
nine-tenths of an ice-berg is unseen.
Being a woman is so tough, having to
juggle tasks & filled with tension!
Women have to worry about- looking
presentable & also people’s perception.
Passing value
judgments seems to be a favourite game.
Taking the
role of a judge in such cases is such a shame!
Outfits carry subtle
messages that are evident to the minds & eyes of the judges.
Women have to forcibly
adhere & act; appearance of women creates ‘images’.
A woman, who wears Sarees, may have ‘modernity’ in her
Yet she is judged as traditional & backward; not sophisticated
or smart!
Poor and wrong
judgments cause true harm, mental agony and distress that's real.
64% of women agree that such judgments affect their ability to reach
their potential.
Nielson India #IAmCapable Survey ; Source: BlogAdda |