Busy with life we
go with the flow,
Missing things we should
While we live life
& try to grow,
Running Marathons
like a swift doe,
Many milestones
come & go…
SRK mentions this in a dialogue in the Hindi-Film ChennaiExpress, “Bhaagte rehte hain Marathon…” (We keep running Marathons.)
While running my marathons
in life, I missed two milestones recently.
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Yesterday, I
realized, albeit late, after submitting my Post on IndiBlogger that I had
submitted my 100th Post for IndiVine!
Last month, I had
missed the occasion to SEE MORE while posting the 100th Post for my
Blog. I was so engrossed that I never even realized when I had composed & published the 100th Post for my Blog & even after posting a couple of Posts after that!…
I had always planned to
celebrate the special event of a Century of Posts by Blogging & conveying my heartfelt thanks to all!
I missed the chance to acknowledge my Century a la Sachin Tendulkar...
Two months ago, my
Blog had graced its 75th Post.
Luckily, I happened to be aware and shared the occasion through my Diamond & Platinum Jubilee Post.
It built up
expectations about a bigger celebration for 100 Posts on my Blog. As I got
busy, I missed the special occasion last month…
As of today, I have 121 Published Posts in my Blog.
After realizing
that I had submitted my 100th Post for IndiVine at IndiBlogger yesterday,
I felt that I had missed an opportunity to dedicate a Post solely to ‘Milestones’
like this.
Then, I thought – “Why
regret? What I missed yesterday, I can make it a reality today!”
Here’s my 101st
Post for Indivine!
In our culture, 101 is a Shagun or good amount to gift!
I contacted IndiBlogger & suggested that they should give us badges when we reach special milestones like Century (100 Posts), 200 Posts, 300 Posts…
Lovely to find
that my Blog has reached a new milestone today 40,000 page-views!
ALL IS WELL as I express my sincere gratitude to everyone especially to Blogging Sites like IndiBlogger & BlogAdda, my Blog’s
readers…looong list of people...
You are awesome!
May we all
achieve & celebrate our Milestones! Cheers!
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