I call my daughter Supergirl as she has super-powers! Like my Superman husband, she also supports me and encourages me to achieve more and more and improve my score! I feel I can take on the world with them by my side! Seeing their unwavering faith in me & lots of admiration for my skills, makes me feel powerful & like He-Man, I say- ‘I HAVE THE POWER!’
Recently I learnt driving at Driving School. Supergirl was most insistent that I drive our Car! She wanted to display her ‘Cool-Driver-Mom’ to her friends! I got my Driving License too, but was yet to drive our Car!
Today morning, I was dusting our Car's interiors, when Supergirl resolutely sat down on the front seat and said, "Mamma, Let us go for a drive! Long drive pe chal!"
I laughed it off as I had no guts to drive our Car! I was scared and hesitant to do so without an instructor or hubby dear by my side... The fear that bogged me down was- “What if I scratch our Car?” I myself was surprised at this thought as such a positive person like me had this negative thought! Hubby dear, Superman, had already assured me that he wouldn’t be the least cross if I ever did scratch our Car!
Supergirl was persistent. "Mamma, Let us go NOW! You already have your License, please use it!" She had more faith in my capability!
“Call Papa!” I implored.
“Papa is busy working on his laptop. Don’t disturb him! You drive!” Supergirl said.
To heed Papa’s-Girl’s request, I took her for a drive inside our complex! Proved to be quite challenging and complex as there's limited space in our complex! Still, at least she made me embark...a Shubh Aarambh, an auspicious beginning had been made!
Seeing me struggling inside the complex, our watchman, Biswajit, opened our building’s main-gate! “Look Mamma! Even Biswajit Dada feels our Car can go for a long drive! Let’s go!”
I don’t know why I agreed. Supergirl had a big role. Also, as it is a Sunday morning, I could see that the traffic on the VIP Road was comparatively less. VIP Road is one of the busiest roads of our city as it leads to the Airport and, needless to say, has many VIPs (Very Important Persons) travelling daily! Perhaps after my successful drive inside our complex, the explorer in me was ready for further conquests!
The small distance from our building’s gate to the main road proved to be the longest! I was at my ‘careful best’! I felt very responsible as I had to take care of two of our most precious possessions- our daughter, Supergirl and my hubby, Superman’s Car!
“Mamma, speed up! That cyclist just overtook us!” Supergirl remarked. “On-lookers will laugh at you!”
I wanted to give her a lecture- “It pays to be a safe-driver, not fast-driver! Plus, it’s okay to let some people feel happy sometimes! It adds up to our good karma!”
But, I didn’t say a word as I was focusing on good and safe driving instead!
“Just a U-turn at the next crossing and we’ll head back home after the other U-turn, Okay?” I prepared Supergirl for the short trip!
Our building is located in between two crossings/intersections. We need to travel about two kilometers to the left, take a U-turn at the first crossing, travel straight for about five kilometers, take a U-turn again at the next crossing, and head straight for three kilometers to reach our home on VIP Road!
“Okay, But you must stop at the Cake-Shop! We need to celebrate your victory!”
Supergirl loves cakes and any reason is good enough to qualify for Cake-treat! The location of the Cake-Shop, right on the first crossing, that is walking distance from our home helps too!
“But I am not carrying my purse! I had just come downstairs to do the Car’s cleaning!” I said.
“Oh! Wait! I remember! Just check that money-box inside the cabinet! I remember having put a Rs 500 note there!” I had kept the money and informed Superman that he could use it during any emergency, for paying as parking-charges or for Petrol! I had even congratulated myself that in such a situation, he’ll be glad that he has such a smart wife! And look, now I was going to use it up!
Feeling rich and proud, I parked our Car after taking the U-turn! I locked our Car and tightly held our Car’s keys and the Rs 500 note in one hand and Supergirl’s hand in my other as we walked to the Cake-Shop.
Supergirl is never shy while choosing cakes, pastries and snacks! She shortlisted the cakes, excitedly rattling off their names faster than a jet-plane!
“Say slowly dear! Uncle has to pick them for you, right?” I helped the Shopkeeper’s business as he beamed!
Supergirl picked extra items too – Patties, Pizza & Burger and said, “Today you don’t have to prepare Sunday breakfast!”
I paid the money and grabbed the big cardboard-box with the goodies (having refused the plastic carry-bag) and asked my kid to safely keep the change- the currency notes- in her jean’s pocket.
We walked to our Car. I carefully placed the box on our Car and then opened our Car.
Supergirl was already seated and I placed the box on her legs. Supergirl doesn’t like when the icing on the pastries gets smudged. This has happened a couple of times in the past. This time, we took extra care.
I drove the rest of the distance, eight kilometres, way back home carefully and safely reached our Building’s gate! Biswajit opened it with a smile and an You-are-worthy-of-respect and I-always-knew-you-are-capable-look!
I parked our Car in our Garage and proceeded to our apartment with the treat!
Supergirl rang the bell.
Superman answered the door with the mobile-phone on his ear.
“Where were you?” he asked anxiously with CONCERN written all over his face. “I have been trying to call you…”
“You know what, Papa? Mamma, took me for a drive! Look! We got special Sunday breakfast!” Supergirl proudly announced.
“How was the drive?” Superman asked.
“It was a cakewalk! Sorry, Cake-drive!” I said while serving the cake and snacks for breakfast.
“You could have called me…At least informed me that you are going. Why didn’t you answer your phone?” Superman said.
“Mamma drove pretty well! See, all pastries are intact!” Supergirl praised my driving-skills!
“We thought you were busy working… My phone is in my purse that’s inside the cupboard! And I had no plans to go anywhere. I was just cleaning our Car…” I defended myself.
“FYI, I wasn’t working. I was reading your Blog… Catching up with your Posts… You have written nice Posts about SEEKING SMART SURAKSHA and 10 SMART SURAKSHA TIPS.
But, how about practicing what you preach?
How can you forget to leave home without your mobile-phone?
You yourself have written that - 'We must forever be ready with our smartphone that can save our life'…” Superman exhorted.
I could see that my Posts have had a tremendous impact on my husband… Even Superman was perturbed! The brilliance of this diamond and his 4Cs- as he was always- Calm, Cool, Composed & Clever - had been affected...
I gave an imaginary pat of appreciation to the writer in me! It felt great that even Superman followed my Posts! Imagine spending his Sunday morning reading all what I have shared!
I am always quick at learning from mistakes and try to make amends immediately. I said SORRY and owned up my mistake and promised Superman that I will be careful in the future. I will always keep him informed about my whereabouts and also carry my phone with me…
I felt as guilty as if I had caused an accident on the road! The Cake-drive wasn’t exactly as cakewalk, nor so sweet after all!
We had the breakfast in silence.
After breakfast, I went to locate my phone. I took out my purse from our cupboard.
My heart missed a beat.
"38 missed calls in 10 mins! Small wonder, he wondered what was going on!"
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.
Note- True Story with some fiction to accommodate the WOW prompt!
A Journey of a thousand miles, begins with a single step, rather single drive! A drive thanks to the drive of a little girl and a smart gentleman, who respectively wanted her Mamma & his wife to drive! I did, all thanks to your support, my dear Supergirl and Superman! :)
WOW – What’s Going On?

Quite smart Super Girl and Hey! Today I read Superwoman too ;) Good Post. Keep Wow'ing
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for reading and for your kind words and wishes!
DeleteYou mean, you read my Post- 'Supergirl' - that's about my kid! :)
Glad you liked it! :)
You! If you daughter is a super girl and your husband is a superman, you would be the superwoman , no?
DeleteOh wow! What a great compliment! Yes, I do get the title as some of their superpowers rubs off on me! :)
Deletetill i saw that disclaimer at that end, i was just wondering it was a true story with no imagination. power of your writing. WOW :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Amar for your WOW comment! :)
DeleteThe story is based both on reality & imagination! :)
Wow..Incredible Post.. :D
ReplyDeleteAnd I am glad that you overcame your fear of Driving,all Thanks to your Super Girl.. :)
Now you can pat yourself one more time for Driving Pretty Good as your Daughter said.. :D
And The sketch of The Road Map is also too good.. :D
Thanks for the appreciation, Harsha! Glad you liked it!
DeleteHappy that I learnt Driving thanks to their efforts! :)
As for the Road Map, I thought it'll be a good idea to show the shortest path I can cover from my home!
A pic speaks more than a 1000 words! :)
So many things in one post! A super woman daughter. A wonderful husband a forgetful you and yes a huge amount of success in driving! This post has it all :D :D
Hey Richa! Lucky to be so blessed!
DeleteYour comment has it all too! :)
Thanks for stopping by & sharing!
The post is as sweet as you are Anita! Wish even I was with you in that car! ^_^ It really feels great to overcome one's fear....A supporting daughter and a loving husband-whatever a person could wish for!
A real WOW post! :)
Thanks for your wow comment Bushra! It's as sweet as you are! (*Mutual Admiration Club*) :)
DeleteYou are most welcome for a Cake-Drive with me! :)
Glad you liked it!
Lovely narration. Enjoyable read!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for reading & sharing your view! Delighted that you enjoyed it! :)
DeleteWow... it took me on and on... so many elements in the story... all well put. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Indrani! :) Glad you enjoyed the drive! :)
DeleteHey Anita. .a sweet personal story woven well into the prompt. Glad you decided to drive. I used to b paranoid too...but now I love to drive...:) here' to many more such trips :)
ReplyDeleteCheers to that, Preethi! Glad you liked my story!
DeleteDriving is a must. One feels so empowered! But, I prefer taking the public-transport, keeping the car under lock! Parking is a major concern! Then, of course the cost of fuel! Waiting for solar-power-cars for guilt-free loooong drives & trips! :)
Two in one - WOW & Smart Suraksha.. Hmm She is really a smart super girl :) Loved your post :)
ReplyDeleteSomeone is Special
Thank you so much! Two-in-One is fun! :) Glad you loved my Post!
DeleteLovely Read
ReplyDeleteNice one. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Pankti! Glad you liked it! :)
DeleteWow !!! firstly i want to say that i'm in love with 'Super girl' <3
ReplyDeletereally enjoyed alot 'Cake drive' !!
this one Is sweetest like u di :')
& next time i too want to join in 'cake drive-2' :)
How sweet! Thanks for stopping by!
DeleteYou are most welcome! Cake-Party during the Cake-Drive-2 sounds great! :)
Already feel like I am a part of Dhoom! :)
But, Concentration on road will be tough, no?! :)